
Bing is, just like Google, a search engine. It’s owned and operated by Microsoft. With Bing, you can search for web, video, image and map search products. Yoast SEO allows you to connect your website to Bing Webmaster Tools so you can track Bing findings when crawling your website.

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An introduction to Microsoft Bing Webmaster Tools »

Learn how to use Bing Webmaster Tools to identify SEO issues, spot opportunities, and report on your site's performance.

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Recent Bing articles

TEAM UX Product designer Do you believe that good design can make the complex field of SEO more accessible to an even larger audience? If you do, then we’re looking for you! Fill this side with content 123 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse elementum vulputate scelerisque. Suspendisse iaculis, ante fermentum vehicula […]

Yoast SEO Premium integrates with the IndexNow protocol to ping search engines like Bing whenever you post content. Why did we launch this?

Learn how to use Bing Webmaster Tools to identify SEO issues, spot opportunities, and report on your site's performance.

Browse through our Bing content posts. »