Bing archives

Recent Bing articles

21 February 2025 yoasie

TEAM UX Product designer Do you believe that good design can make the complex field of SEO more accessible to an even larger audience? If you do, then we’re looking for you! Fill this side with content 123 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse elementum vulputate scelerisque. Suspendisse iaculis, ante fermentum vehicula …

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We’re launching an IndexNow integration in Yoast SEO

28 June 2022 Edwin Toonen

Over the last couple of months, there’s been a lot of talk about a new protocol called IndexNow. This new protocol automatically notifies search engines that support it about all the updates on your site. While initially skeptical about this development, we’ve decided to add an IndexNow integration to Yoast SEO Premium 18.8. What is …

Read: "We’re launching an IndexNow integration in Yoast SEO"
We’re launching an IndexNow integration in Yoast SEO

An introduction to Microsoft Bing Webmaster Tools

5 November 2020 | 10 Comments Jono Alderson

As a search engine, Microsoft Bing often finds itself playing the ‘underdog’ to Google’s bigger market share, budgets and brand. But Bing Webmaster Tools can still be incredibly useful when it comes to understanding SEO issues and opportunities. Using these tools can help you to make improvements which help boost your performance in all search …

Read: "An introduction to Microsoft Bing Webmaster Tools"
An introduction to Microsoft Bing Webmaster Tools

The latest news in SEO and WordPress: October 2020

29 October 2020 Edwin Toonen

October is coming to an end and this means that we hosted another SEO news webinar at Yoast HQ. If you’re not familiar with this recurring event yet: it’s a monthly webinar at which our experts Joost and Jono discuss the latest news when it comes to Google, Bing, WordPress and everything related to SEO. …

Read: "The latest news in SEO and WordPress: October 2020"
The latest news in SEO and WordPress: October 2020

The latest news in SEO and WordPress: August 2020

Every month, Jono and I sit down to discuss the latest news in SEO in a live webinar for our Yoast SEO Academy members. It’s a fun way for us to provide you some of our insights on what’s happening right now. In addition, you get to ask your questions as well, so it’s a …

Read: "The latest news in SEO and WordPress: August 2020"
The latest news in SEO and WordPress: August 2020

Live indexing for Bing & Google coming to Yoast SEO

As we announced at YoastCon, we’re working together with Bing and Google to allow live indexing for everyone who uses Yoast SEO — free and premium. In the coming months, we’ll allow users to connect their sites to MyYoast, our customer portal. After that we’ll roll out live indexing, which means every time you publish, …

Read: "Live indexing for Bing & Google coming to Yoast SEO"
Live indexing for Bing & Google coming to Yoast SEO