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What type of content should a cornerstone article be?

31 January 2019 | 6 Comments Marieke van de Rakt

Cornerstone content is a crucial aspect of your SEO strategy, as it’ll help you rank for your most competitive keywords. In a nutshell, it means you create a handful of comprehensive, superbly written articles and optimize them for your most important keywords. Then, you link to these awesome articles in other pages and blogs, which …

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What type of content should a cornerstone article be?

On Google’s related entities patent: Write awesome posts!

24 October 2018 | 2 Comments Marieke van de Rakt

Perhaps you’ve read about the related entities patent which was recently granted to Google, or perhaps you haven’t yet. You should read Dave Davies post about it on Search Engine Land and find out more about it. The related entities patent gives us valuable insights into how Google identifies relationships between content. It was a …

Read: "On Google’s related entities patent: Write awesome posts!"
On Google’s related entities patent: Write awesome posts!

First things first: writing content with the inverted pyramid style

7 September 2018 | 33 Comments Edwin Toonen

Journalists have been using the inverted pyramid writing style for ages. Using it, you put your most important information upfront. Don’t hedge. Don’t bury your key point halfway down the third paragraph. And don’t hold back; tell the complete story in the first paragraph. Even online, this writing style holds up pretty well for some …

Read: "First things first: writing content with the inverted pyramid style"
First things first: writing content with the inverted pyramid style

Using Gutenberg as an editor: does it make my life easier?

6 June 2018 | 27 Comments Willemien Hallebeek

Being part of the blog team at Yoast I spend much time writing, correcting and editing content in the editor. Of course, I’ve heard about Gutenberg (it’s quite the thing here at Yoast) and glanced over it, but I didn’t take the time to do much with it myself. When the Gut Guys asked me …

Read: "Using Gutenberg as an editor: does it make my life easier?"
Using Gutenberg as an editor: does it make my life easier?

Meta descriptions are going to be shorter again

24 May 2018 | 110 Comments Marieke van de Rakt

Your meta descriptions need to be shorter. I know, just a few months ago, we told you that your meta descriptions could be longer. Now we’re saying that they should be shorter. I understand the confusion. But Google changed its mind. And whenever Google changes its mind about something, we need to adjust accordingly. It’s …

Read: "Meta descriptions are going to be shorter again"
Meta descriptions are going to be shorter again

Yoast SEO 7.5: Привет, Россия

The Russian language is huge; 265 million people have Russian as their first or second language, making it the world’s eighth most used language. What’s more, according to W3Techs Russian is the second most used language online — following English by a huge margin. As of today, all of the Russian language WordPress users can …

Read: "Yoast SEO 7.5: Привет, Россия"
Yoast SEO 7.5: Привет, Россия

We researched longer meta descriptions: here are our findings

23 April 2018 | 51 Comments Michiel Heijmans

A few months ago Google changed the length of the meta description from 160 to 320 characters. This caused quite a buzz in the SEO community and a lot of people wanted to know whether they should change their own crafted meta descriptions. In the meantime, we already changed the length of the meta description …

Read: "We researched longer meta descriptions: here are our findings"
We researched longer meta descriptions: here are our findings